• Wider World 2nd Ed (Be) Level 4 Student''''s Book & Ebook

Wider World Second Edition is a new edition of Pearson’s most popular mid-secondary course. It prepares teenagers for their life ahead by giving them the skills they need to enjoy their social lives, pursue their studies and succeed in their career.

Código: L004-9781292422756
Código de barras: 9781292422756
Peso (kg): 0,380
Altura (cm): 29,70
Largura (cm): 21,00
Espessura (cm): 0,50
Autor Kathryn Suzanne; Alevizos Carolyn; Gaynor Stuart; Barroclough Bob; Mckinlay Hastings
Idioma Inglês
Encadernação Brochura
Páginas 144
Número de edição 2

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Wider World 2nd Ed (Be) Level 4 Student''''s Book & Ebook