• Pearson English Active Readers 1: African Safari Book and Multi- Rom with MP3 Pack

With over 60 titles in a variety of genres, including fiction, non-fiction, horror or romance, biographies and big film tie-ins, the ''Penguin Active Reading'' series will make learning the English language a pleasurable and rewarding activity.

Código: L004-9781408264041
Código de barras: 9781408264041
Peso (kg): 0,070
Altura (cm): 20,70
Largura (cm): 15,70
Espessura (cm): 0,20
Autor Izabella Hearn
Idioma Inglês
Encadernação Brochura
Páginas 24
Ano de edição 2012
Número de edição 1

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Pearson English Active Readers 1: African Safari Book and Multi- Rom with MP3 Pack