• Market Leader 3Rd Edition Extra - Course Book/Practice File Flexi A Upper Intermediate

Market Leader 3rd Edition reflects the fast-changing world of business with thoroughly updated material from authentic business sources such as the Financial Times. This course consists of 12 topic-based units designed to develop the communication skills and business knowledge you need to succeed in today’s business world.

Código: L004-9781292126142
Código de barras: 9781292126142
Peso (kg): 0,450
Altura (cm): 27,60
Largura (cm): 20,20
Espessura (cm): 1,50
Autor John Simon; Rogers David; Kent David; Falvey Cotton
Idioma Inglês
Encadernação Brochura
Páginas 152
Ano de edição 2015
Número de edição 1

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Market Leader 3Rd Edition Extra - Course Book/Practice File Flexi A Upper Intermediate