• 84 questions that sell

"A success in Brazil, now also available in English for sellers, entrepreneurs and managers. In this book you''ll find powerful questions that will help you sell far more and serve your customers in an exceptional way. In 84 Questions that Sell you will learn to: Improve sales communication skills, improve your results with coaching, connect and empathize with the buyer, identify in advance the desires of those who buy, direct and negotiate sales based on customer responses, assertively close deals, measure results and set goals, create an environment conducive to business closure, develop irrefutable arguments, offer immediate solutions to problems, add value to products, maximize results and overcome objections. "

Código: L004-9788594551375
Código de barras: 9788594551375
Peso (kg): 0,320
Altura (cm): 23,00
Largura (cm): 16,00
Espessura (cm): 2,00
Autor Jaques Grinberg
Idioma Inglês
Encadernação Brochura
Páginas 200
Ano de edição 2018
Número de edição 1

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84 questions that sell