• Wirtschaftswunder: josef heinrich darchinger

Germany after the war 1952 - 1967. It was no more than eight years after the surrender of the Nazi government when Josef Heinrich Darchinger set out on his photographic journey through the West of a divided Germany. The bombs of World War II had reduced the country''s major cities to deserts of rubble. Yet his pictures show scarcely any signs of the downfall of a civilization. Not that the photographer was manipulating the evidence: he simply recorded what he saw. At the time, a New York travel agency was advertising the last opportunity to go and visit the remaining bomb sites. Darchinger''s pictures, in color and black-and-white, show a country in a fever of reconstruction. The economic boom was so incredible that the whole world spoke of an "economic miracle." The people who achieved it, in contrast, look down-to-earth, unassuming, conscientious, and diligent. And increasingly, they look like strangers in the world they have created.

Código: L004-9783836540162
Código de barras: 9783836540162
Peso (kg): 1,280
Altura (cm): 30,90
Largura (cm): 25,00
Espessura (cm): 2,00
Autor Josef Heinrich Darchinger
Idioma Alemão
Encadernação Brochura
Páginas 207
Ano de edição 2012
Número de edição 1

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Wirtschaftswunder: josef heinrich darchinger