• Top Notch 1B Split: Student Book With Activebook And Workbook And Myenglishlab

Top Notch is a dynamic communicative course that creates an unforgettable English learning experience. It helps develop confident, fluent English speakers who can successfully use the language for socializing, traveling, further education and business.

Código: L004-9780132679220
Código de barras: 9780132679220
Peso (kg): 0,350
Altura (cm): 27,60
Largura (cm): 21,00
Espessura (cm): 1,00
Autor Allen Joan; Ascher Saslow
Idioma Inglês
Encadernação Brochura
Páginas 300
Ano de edição 2012
Número de edição 2

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Top Notch 1B Split: Student Book With Activebook And Workbook And Myenglishlab