• Straight to first - Student''''s book - Premium pack w/key

The Student´s Book Premium Pack provides full preparation and practice for the Cambridge English First exam, each part of the exam is covered. A grammar reference provides explanations of the language and a comprehensive Writing Bank focuses on exam task types. The Student´s Resource Centre and the Online Workbook are available via an access code.

Código: L004-9780230498136
Código de barras: 9780230498136
Peso (kg): 0,500
Altura (cm): 27,70
Largura (cm): 22,00
Espessura (cm): 0,90
Autor Roy Norris
Idioma Inglês
Encadernação Brochura
Páginas 196
Ano de edição 2017
Número de edição 1

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Straight to first - Student''''s book - Premium pack w/key