• Rainforest friends student''''s book-nursery

These two distinct personalities support transitions and reflect the diversity of social and emotional needs present in each young learners’ classroom, making this nursery level a perfect match to any pre-primary course. Sami and Ayo will support the children as they take their first steps into English by learning some simple concepts such as colors, counting, movements, family members, feelings and others.Rainforest Friends will bring young learners close to home, highlighting our values, our culture and our natural resources. Simple. Engaging. Fun!

Código: L004-9786557520413
Código de barras: 9786557520413
Peso (kg): 0,400
Altura (cm): 23,70
Largura (cm): 30,00
Espessura (cm): 0,50
Autor Sarah Elizabeth Sprague
Idioma Inglês
Encadernação Encadernação espiral
Páginas 80
Ano de edição 2020
Número de edição 1

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Rainforest friends student''''s book-nursery