• #InstaEnglish 2

Teenagers crave novelty and instigating visual content to feed their curious minds when studying a second language. #InstaEnglish is the best way to stretch beyond the classroom environment and reach students’ minds and hearts, thanks to all its original and updated content.. #InstaEnglish students will learn English in a very practical way, motivated by their desire to communicate in today’s cosmopolitan world, express their opinions, and expand their global knowledge even further.

Código: L004-9788551100578
Código de barras: 9788551100578
Peso (kg): 0,660
Altura (cm): 29,70
Largura (cm): 21,00
Espessura (cm): 0,60
Autor Olivia
Idioma Inglês
Encadernação Brochura
Páginas 216
Ano de edição 2018
Número de edição 1

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#InstaEnglish 2