• Footprint Reading Library - Level 5 1900 B2 - Beagle Patrol

Beagles are dogs with an extremely powerful sense of smell. They often work at airports to find illegal or unsafe items. Before they can do the job,, they must go through training. What does it take to be on the Beagle Patrol? What happens to dogs that don''t make it?

Código: L004-9781424045792
Código de barras: 9781424045792
Peso (kg): 0,700
Altura (cm): 21,00
Largura (cm): 14,60
Espessura (cm): 0,60
Autor Rob Waring
Idioma Inglês
Encadernação Encadernação espiral
Páginas 24
Ano de edição 2009
Número de edição 1

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Footprint Reading Library - Level 5 1900 B2 - Beagle Patrol