• Bestseller Readers 5

Oh go away! Leave with the rest of dream, won´t you? What dream? The dream that I am in Arthyr´s court, a person who never existed, and that I’m talking to you, a person I must have made up. And is it a dream that they have decided you are to be burned at noon tomorrow? he asked me . The boy was right , the situation was serious.Dream or no dream, to be burned alive would not be pleasant. I had to think of something. Clarence, you must help me escape.

Código: L004-9789607609830
Código de barras: 9789607609830
Peso (kg): 0,113
Altura (cm): 19,80
Largura (cm): 13,70
Espessura (cm): 0,40
Autor Mark Twain
Idioma Inglês
Encadernação Brochura
Páginas 58
Ano de edição 2000
Número de edição 1

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Bestseller Readers 5