• Best Buddies Teacher''''s Edition-2 (In English) (SB Reduced)

Best Buddies is all about friendship and cooperation, togetherness and support. Played out through the real and imaginary worlds of the adorable Buddy Bear, children are introduced to English through unique, classroom-tested activities which allow them to encounter, engage with, and exploit new language in memorable and meaningful situations.

Código: L004-9789708092340
Código de barras: 9789708092340
Peso (kg): 0,429
Altura (cm): 22,00
Largura (cm): 29,00
Espessura (cm): 0,50
Autor Fran Combs Gamboa
Idioma Inglês
Encadernação Brochura
Páginas 160
Ano de edição 2009
Número de edição 1

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Best Buddies Teacher''''s Edition-2 (In English) (SB Reduced)