• Va Steinweiss, trade int

"I love music so much and I had such ambition that I was willing to go way beyond what the hell they paid me for. I wanted people to look at the artwork and hear the music." —Alex Steinweiss

Alex Steinweiss invented the album cover as we know it, and created a new graphic art form. In 1940, as Columbia Records’ young new art director, he pitched an idea: Why not replace the standard plain brown wrapper with an eye-catching illustration? The company took a chance, and within months its record sales increased by over 800 per cent. His covers for Columbia—combining bold typography with modern, elegant illustrations—took the industry by storm and revolutionized the way records were sold.

Código: L004-9783836527712
Código de barras: 9783836527712
Peso (kg): 3,260
Altura (cm): 29,21
Largura (cm): 34,54
Espessura (cm): 3,81
Autor Kevin Reagan
Idioma Inglês
Encadernação Capa dura
Páginas 416
Ano de edição 2011
Número de edição 1

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Va Steinweiss, trade int