• Speak your mind - Teacher''''s edition with App-3

Speak Your Mind is a new 6-level general English course that helps young adults to develop effective communication skills. It has a focus on speaking English in local and global scenarios and provides students with coping strategies designed to increase their confidence in a variety of situations.

Código: L004-9781380031365
Código de barras: 9781380031365
Peso (kg): 0,350
Altura (cm): 29,50
Largura (cm): 21,00
Espessura (cm): 1,00
Autor Annette Flavel
Idioma Inglês
Encadernação Brochura
Páginas 78
Ano de edição 2020
Número de edição 1

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Speak your mind - Teacher''''s edition with App-3