• My First English Adventure Level 1 Student Book

Experience the best start to English! My First English Adventure works hand in hand with the magic of Disney stories and characters, taking children on a wonderful journey of imagination and English. The book is filled with board games, stickers, songs, activity posters, and much, much more...

Código: L004-9780131109735
Código de barras: 9780131109735
Peso (kg): 0,260
Altura (cm): 27,60
Largura (cm): 21,00
Espessura (cm): 1,00
Autor Magaly Mady; Villarroel Jose Luis; Musiol Morales
Idioma Inglês
Encadernação Brochura
Páginas 80
Ano de edição 2005
Número de edição 1

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My First English Adventure Level 1 Student Book