• Footprint Reading Library - Level 8 3000 C1 - The Red Devils

Humboldt squids, or ''Red Devils'', are the world''s largest animal without a backbone. These sometimes dangerous creatures live in the deep waters of the Gulf of California. A researcher and professional diver have come to the Gulf to learn more about them. Will they find any Red Devils? Will they be able to observe them safely?

Código: L004-9781424046171
Código de barras: 9781424046171
Peso (kg): 0,880
Altura (cm): 21,00
Largura (cm): 14,60
Espessura (cm): 0,60
Autor Rob Waring
Idioma Inglês
Encadernação Encadernação espiral
Páginas 24
Ano de edição 2009
Número de edição 1

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Footprint Reading Library - Level 8 3000 C1 - The Red Devils