• Society, culture and frontiers

This book is primarily the result of a collective effort. Thus, we seek, from an interdisciplinary scope, to include chapters from several areas of knowledge relevant to the proposal of the Postgraduate Program in Society, Culture and Borders of the Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (UNIOESTE), considering its three lines of research: Territory, History and Memory (1), Language, Culture and Identity (2) and, finally, Work, Politics and Society (3). Therefore, it is based on this assumption, that of interdisciplinarity, that we compile these articles prepared by professors and researchers from different approaches and cultures. And it is from this pluralism, both epistemological and hermeneutic, that perhaps we can, in what concerns us, leverage scientific knowledge, within an open and, consequently, cosmopolitan (or global, if you prefer) perspective. These are questions, here, that investigate ample possibilities of readings about what we could call cultural artifacts that punctuate the relational dialectic between individuals and the society in which they live, the boundaries in which they act and aspects, too, focused on territoriality. Also included are approaches focused on language in terms of culture and identity, always, as we pointed out before, from a “dialogical” perspective, according to the thinker Edgar Morin, who opens this book.

Código: L004-9786558688358
Código de barras: 9786558688358
Peso (kg): 0,710
Altura (cm): 23,00
Largura (cm): 16,00
Espessura (cm): 3,60
Autor Silvana Aparecida de Eduardo Portanova; Souza Fábio Lopes; Barros Alves
Editora CRV
Encadernação Brochura
Páginas 458
Ano de edição 2021
Número de edição 1

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Society, culture and frontiers