• Elements in architecture - Colores

Colors looks at ways in which leading architects exploit the possibilities of the chromatic spectrum. The subtle way in which black is applied to frame and organize space, the daring punctuation of red and orange, the ways in which natural materials are used and altered in unexpected ways, all suggest not just the attention of the designer but the presence of a passion for subtle gestures, that taken together form powerful spatial images. Designed by Oscar Riera Ojeda and featuring the photography of Paul Warchol, Colors chronicles recent work in residential, civic and commercial buildings. An introductory essay by James McCown places the subject of architectural color within an historical perspective.

Código: L004-9783836503457
Código de barras: 9783836503457
Peso (kg): 0,860
Altura (cm): 27,80
Largura (cm): 23,00
Espessura (cm): 1,40
Autor Oscar Riera Ojeda
Idioma Espanhol
Encadernação Flexível
Páginas 192
Ano de edição 2010
Número de edição 1

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Elements in architecture - Colores